Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Order wedding dress-military variations

Today we tend to think about custom made wedding dresses as the ultimate in luxury and self-expression, but in recent times they have been more appropriate than a luxury.

In the 1940s during and after the second world war, virtually nothing was nothing but the war continues. Even after 1945, rationing continued for many years, and many fabric and accessories remain hard to find, or completely unavailable. So many women simply don't have the opportunity to purchase a peg wedding dress, and had to use imagination to create what was essentially their own custom made wedding dresses. Just a few years ago, our grandmothers used to some emergency measures:

Some requirements were to parachute silk "somehow" and used it for their dress, although some people say it was a myth or a rumor.

many old dresses from mother and relatives since the 1920s were hurriedly dug from view and re-cycled, with a little cut off here and there to try and update them during the 1940s fashion (V neck and lapels mostly).

some custom made wedding dresses were much-loved and used "Sunday best" white tablecloth-many brides have argued that no one can tell the difference!

Old (and then the old fashioned) chandeliers lights and old "lustres» of light fittings, were robbed of their glass and Crystal beads & Hey presto that wedding dress beads and other ornaments.

Lace frills were cut from the bottom and is used for TMK on the dress.

Black shoes were sometimes painted in white.

Hard to believe, it can be argued that some women pressed paper (very difficult) in service as part of their wedding dress clothing-they should also allegedly had hoped against hope that it's not raining!

lining curtains were deprived of backs to do what should have been "some" white dress.

So what is the message from this? We know our ancestors went through difficulties, it would seem unthinkable for us today, but against all of them have continued to try and express their individuality in this special day. Was this necessary? Will anyone minded, if given the wartime conditions, they did not have something that resembled a wedding dress?

One must assume, however, the fact that so many tried to just shows how special dress, many brides.

Today, custom made wedding dress still can do a day just a little more special-and you don't have to start dismantling light shades to make it happen!

View the original article here