Not every bride traditionalists, and not every White wedding wedding would be expected. If you consider yourself a quirky, eclectic, whimsical, geek chic, or simply human, it is important that your wedding reflect your style. Here are some wonderful wedding ideas for offbeat bride.
Wedding invitations are a great way to give your guests a sneak peek at what will be your event. If you are not traditionalists, ditch the engraved white invitations and do something more fun. Custom video invitation could be a pretty neat idea for a tech savvy pair. This is one project weddings the bridegroom might even be very b. cool thing about video offering is that it feels very personal, even though it uses the latest technology, unlike e vite or email invitation. It would be especially good to send invitations, your video onto a dvd to your family and friends will have it as a memento.
A great way to show your own unique style, choosing a wedding dress and custom wedding jewelry as special as you. Color is a favorite way to personalize your wedding dress, whether it's a subtle accent or entirely red dress. This is the best place to work with seamstress or constructor to create an entirely original dress, rather than trying to adapt what is ready. Options are unlimited, the bride, who wore red Tulle skirt with black flames, stitched to it who a couture dress, vintage furs, metallic lace, silk and custom baguette.
The bride may also choose to convertible dress or jacket with removable, they may look a bit more traditional ceremony and much less conservative for admission. One bride, I knew wore hand-made floor length coat made from heavy white lace over dark green silk. It was a little unique but still suitable for their church wedding. Then came the time of admission, and she whipped off a coat, revealing that mini dress that was so high on one side that only string sassy fringe made sure her tush covered! With some custom Crystal Wedding jewelry to match it was ready to have a really good time at her party. Such a risque dress may not be for everyone, but that's exactly the point-custom wedding dress will showcase their own unique style.
Unusual venues are still fun, wedding idea for offbeat bride. One bride, I know he was married in a dramatic Gothic stone church was deconsecrated. Of course, this was the first for most of the guests to dance and party in the former nave of the Church! Outdoorsy types can be found at special places out of the wedding. There may be a retro camping wedding celebrations or enchanted forest with fairies. Cities offer many great opportunities for non-traditional wedding venues, including the Gallery of modern art, urban lofts and funky restaurants.
There are many, many more ways to take your offbeat side of the bride-to-be. Maybe you carry bridal bouquet with vintage brooches instead of colors. Or maybe your bride wears cufflinks inspired his favorite movies or video games. You could walk down the aisle of your favorite song from the show. As long as you put your heart into it, unusual and unique wedding must be absolutely fantastic, not to say a whole lot of fun!